Originally uploaded by Jean 1.
Yesterday we finally had a birthday party for young Christi. It was horse themed (duh!) at a local park board owned farm. There were wonderful animals for the kids to pet, watch and learn about. The park was great, the staff wonderful and best of all, the kids got to pet a mini-horse named bandit. The cupcakes ended up being a great last minute order...I had planned on asking Stacy to do it, but then when we were hit with snow days, flooding and every other weather phenom...well, it just made it easier to walk in the day before, order the horse themed cupcakes. I'm sure Stacy's would have been better, but at least I didn't have to make them. :)
So cute-glad she had fun. She is definitely your little horse girl. Where is that pony mommy?? hee hee
Sounds like a beautiful day--worth waiting for!!!
Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Placa de Vídeo, I hope you enjoy. The address is A hug.
that cake is so cute jean1/sis....LOL....i'm hoping we can get together this summer and spend some time together, talk to you later
Just found your blog! Cute cake. Loved the Easter eggs too - who would have thought of sharpies???
(came via small scribbles)
I just saw bday weekend pics on Saturday and it looked like you all had so much fun! Wish we had been able to come. Give her an extra hug for me...heck, give them all hugs for me, k? :)
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