Remember the day you (if you're a girl/woman) that you first applied makeup? How about having your nails painted? Remember the feel of looking so grown up? For me it happened around age 12...although I was officially allowed to wear makeup at age 14. My oldest daughter awaited the magic grade, grade 8, with excitement and impatience. My second oldest has begun to look at makeup and plan for her induction into the makeup privileged population, which will happen next month. My youngest, age 5, as a result of all this makeup wearing has become fascinated with all things "girly" and pretty. If you are lucky enough to come by my house unannounced you might get a chance to see me in all my "makeover" glory.
Recently Christi was invited to a birthday party for a little girl that she me in gymnastics class a year ago, the same little girl who asked her to play t-ball with her. We arrived at the destination, Christi with her her shyness fully activated and me with my curiosity peaked. The name of the establishment, Girlfriends and Giggles, had somewhat prepared me, but not quite. We were ushered into a land of High School Musical music, glittery hair spray, multi-colored nail polish and flashy dress-up clothes. The girls dressed for their "Stage appearance", had makeup applied, hair styles performed, nails painted and then took the stage to greet their fans and have their photos taken by the paparazzi. All of the girls loved, loved, loved it. My precious one did get a bit nervous (as you can see in the photo) right before she took the stage. But by the end of the party she was dancing on the stage with the rest of the girls, giggling and having a wonderful time.
1 comment:
Awwwww - how sweet! I'd love to see more pictures from that day!
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