The other day I had to drive the girls to ortho appointments in a town that is about 45 minutes away. This drive is one that I actually like because it has such beautiful scenery along the way as well as the fact that the road takes us right by my husbands work. Each time I've driven down this road I have wished for extra moments to stop and take a scenic shot or two. This day happened to be the day, this one shot is just a drop in the bucket of the beauty I found.
Life is so often like these trips I take. I look forward to them and often notice the things of beauty around, but rarely find the time to not only stop and enjoy what I'm seeing, but to actually document it for my memory or for others. Such as:
*My youngest leaving for school each day. She so obviously loves school,and looks forward to it with great zeal...
*My son when he is immersed in a book. His eyes are lit with joy, his face is completely animated...
*My second oldest daughter when she sings. She not only sings the words, she feels them...
*My oldest when shes talking to her dad. When they talk to each other about things that they have in common it's like a mirror of joy reflecting back and forth...
*My husband when he's watching the kids play. His love is pure, evident and everflowing...
The road in my life is curvy, has ups and downs, stops ands starts. But there is alawys something of beauty to behold...How blessed I am!
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