Sunday, June 10

How memories must look

While playing outside tonight, as dusk was falling around, Ryan and Christi were playing in the yard. They were swinging pool noodles pretending they were fishing. I thought to myself "Oh, I hope I remember this moment!" I pulled out my camera and shot a stream of photos. This one, in it's blur and shadows and multiple images within the same shot put a lump in my throat as I mused, "this must be how a memory looks from a distance".


Anonymous said...

what an awesome photo!!!

kizzy72 said...

Oh...this is lovely!!! I really hope you turn this one into a full-blown essay on WdC. GORGEOUS IMAGE to further explore.
Love ya:-)

Donna B. said...

i'm ahead of you on that one...already in the works!

Jean 2 said...

Truly wonderful. I want one of those there *midget* cameras so I can start taking pics like that (spoken in my redneck tongue)! LOL