Sunday, June 24

Return of the Jedi Happy Sahm

Well, we're home. I'm glad we had such a great time. It's good to get some distance from the chaos of life and to just get time with your family, who truly loves you for you and not for the things you can do or the way they like to manipulate you to do or believe what you want them to believe. (Although I do have a few friends who would fall under this catergory as well that I love deep as family and from whom I never need a vacation) I love my family and the time I got with them. I know we fostered some very important memories with the kids and are believing that the times now will continue for them together as siblings with quality relationships and strength of character. Don't get me wrong, they are siblings in the real sense, they do get on each other's nerves and bicker from time to time, but they have deep love and a dedication to each other. They help hold each other accountable and build each other up, pray with one another and have learned how to truly humble themselves to one another to grant or ask forgiveness with a pure ulterior motives or digressions. I am so proud of them. As I see other adults go down destructive paths I take time to pray for my own children and ask the Lord to keep them faithful and true to His calling on their lives. In the midst of things going on around, I also take time to pray this for people I know..."He who began a good work in you will be faithful to complete it!"


Jean 2 said...

I am glad you had such a good time as a family. I am also glad you are back safe and sound and that I KNOW in my *heart of hearts* that I am one of the friends that you never need a vacation from ...hee hee...OR that you would go on vacation with.
Luv ya and miss ya!

Donna B. said...

Well, duh! Of course you're one of those people. :)

kizzy72 said...

Hey..."What Jean 2 said!"
I know you would never want to "get away" from me, either. :-) Can't wait to see you in a few weeks!!! Get your Starbucks mug ready...BOTH OF YOU...