Tuesday, July 24

Christi with gift for Mommy

Christi with gift for Mommy
Originally uploaded by Jean 1.

Yesterday, while visiting at a friend's house (Jean 2 from A Pair of Jeans) my youngest came into the house and said "Mommy, cwose your eyes, I have a pwesent for you." She gave me this beautiful, very rare tropical flower, usually found only in the remote regions of the rain forest. How amazing that she was able to locate it so near the Ozark hills during an exploration with friend's oldest daughter. They also happened upon a unicorn named Jasmine...amazing. What a magical walk it was!


Kate said...

Sweet picture and sweet story. My girls would SO love to join your little one on a unicorn adventure to the rainforest.


Donna B. said...

Kate, bring them up...I think we would all enjoy the trip. :)